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Jenny Geelan is an experienced Medium, Clairvoyant and Healer dedicated to guiding and supporting clients to walk the path they co-create with their highest self.


Early clairvoyant memories

Jenny remembers her first clairvoyant experience at the age of three or four. While lying behind the chook house in the long grass, looking at the clouds and knowing there was someone, or something, beside her. The presence felt very comforting and quiet, holding her hand.

There were times when Jenny just "knew" an event was going to happen, for example she knew days before that a car was going to crash in her street not once but three times, saw lights in the hallway dancing above the doorways and was sure there where 'people' going up and down the hall at night when everyone was asleep.

Her school experiences included knowing when something was up with her friends, before they said a thing. She thought she was the only one who saw Spirit or knew things in advance!



At that time there was no-one to discuss her experiences with and it was years later that Jenny had two teachers, one who introduced her to meditation, psychic development and spiritual healing, and another a few years later, who shared in-depth knowledge of spiritual matters and mediumship, which is Jenny’s preferred way to work.

Of course Jenny has had many teachers and believes there is teaching in all human, animal and Spirit encounters, but these two stand out as paramount in her early development as a medium, and she is thankful for their time and energy.



Jenny's training includes a Diploma of Reflexology (Aromaflex, Nelson) 

A Certificate of Relaxation Massage.

Courses in Chi-Reflexology , Animal Reflexology, Animal Communication, Spiritual Healing and Shamanism.


People and animals

Jenny has a true passion for her work as a Medium, Animal Communicator and Reflexologist. She works directly with Spirit, always asking for clear, concise information and guidance that is easily understood and accepted. She has many repeat clients which allows for the ongoing development of positive relationships.

Jenny lives on the beautiful Kapiti Coast, New Zealand. She has grownup children and three grandchildren.

Jenny enjoys sharing her experiences with others and is available for public speaking engagements.






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